Keller and Hoover are doing great! They are a little over a year old and in good health. At the end of last semester, they both went to live at our parent's house, while we finished up exams. They did just fine there. Keller did have a splash in the pool, but luckily my mom was right there watching her and could pull her out quickly. Keller's a fast little booger! Hoover had a blast running and playing with my mom's other dachshunds. Keller did have to have hernia surgery over Christmas break. She had a hernia on her inside thigh. We decided to have the surgery done with our vet at home because we know and trust him. It went very well, though he did say that she has very thin skin, like that of an old dog. This is probably a reason she gets cold so easy. We have coats and sweaters to fix that though. :) Other than that, she hasn't had major problems. Since there's not much information about blind/deaf dogs, we're not sure what problems we'll encounter as she ages. But I'm happy to say she's as spry as ever at the moment. Here's some pictures from the past few months:
Hoover can fly!